NaBloPoMo Finale
On November 1st, in a rather impromptu fashion, I decided to commit to both Movember and NaBloPoMo. (Jump to: NaBloPoMo summary)
"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back" - Goethe
I mentioned the 2 challenges were somewhat impulsive, and in the case of Movember apparently I forgot to mention it to my wife before posting about it to friends on Facebook!
I've been blown away by the support received, with £260 donated. (It's still open for donations:

School pickup has been interesting. We've been picking the kids up from the same school for 5 years now: A surprising number of parents hadn't noticed any difference! Several parents didn't recognise me, and clearly viewing me suspiciously on two occasions I was asked "If I needed help" (a.k.a what the heck are you doing on the school grounds). The kids (both ours, and others at the school) however found it hilarious.

I also took more selfies this month, than probably in my whole life to date - so that I could make into a time-lapse/morph:
As far as my son is concerned though, the coolest part was when Commander Chris Hadfield (former Commander of the international Space Station, and one of Jack's big heroes (and mine)) liked my photo on Twitter!
I'd been struggling to get back into blogging regularly. In part because of the issues with my Wordpress install which resulted in me re-platforming in October, and in part because I've been struggling to figure out the audience I'm writing for.
NaBloPoMo is National Blog Post Month, which has the challenge of writing a blog post each day for the whole of November. I'd not heard of it before 1st November, but it sounded like just the tonic for getting back into writing. I'm happy to say it has been everything I had hoped it would be, and probably more.
All the posts can be seen here: NaBloPoMo 2016
My personal favourites, include some topics I'd been meaning to write about for a long time, especially The Ratchet, Focus, Curation and the power of Now.
Most popular posts from NaBloPoMo 2016
By pageviews:
- Curation is an Act of Love
- Dynamic Images 101
- URL Schemes and 1Writer
- Reflecting on the Weekend
- Photography Workflow
By average time on page:
- Sales & Engineering
- Moving to Mac
- Photography Workflow
- Jekyll Skeleton automation with Workflow app
- Making the Most of Your Fears
- What Motivates Us
(I'll check again in a few weeks - as some of these posts were published earlier in the month, and so have had a longer time period for visitor engagement)
And with that, it's time to let the sun set on NaBloPoMo :)