Aside from the day-job, here are some of my side-projects

Storyus® : the Slow Social platform
Storyus® is the Slow Social family-friendly collaborative storytelling platform, which puts you in control of how your story is told. No ‘likes’ ♥. No public follower counts. No Adverts. You ‘own’ your story and can decide what was important, and how best to share it.

Haktive : Healthy Active Kids
As well as being an early investor, I also provide technical oversight, to many aspects of this incredible initiative whose goal is to get more children and their families to be active.

This Everyday Life Magazine
As well as being an early investor, I also provide technical oversight, to many aspects of this incredible initiative whose goal is to get more children and their families to be active.

The Barley Moon : Artists collective
The Barley Moon is a small collective of independent artists and photographers off all ages (10-75 so far) who want to share our visions, and versions, of the natural inspiration that can be found all around us.

Unslump Me
Everyone has slumps. Everyone has their ups and downs. The higher our spirits soar the bigger our dreams and ideas. This little site is where I collect some of these spirit-lifters, as well as those passed in to me. Alongside the right visuals, these can serve as a quick pick-me-up and I hope they can do the same for you too.

Save Your Past (Ltd.)
Blow the dust off some of your family's most precious memories with Save Your Past Ltd. Transform them into a form where they will degrade no more, and where you can turn back the hands of time and rejuvenate them.

Practical Responsive Images : Book
Following painstaking work the picture element, and srcset and sizes attributes are finally supported by the major browser manufacturers, with the Picturefill polyfill, giving solid support for 'legacy' browsers, we should now be seriously considering using these new functions in all of our projects.

See More Potential Ltd.
Co-founder, contributing author, photographer, and technical oversight. (Underwent a business name transition in 2020)